
The Client Audit

A 5-step programme to explore what your client thinks of you, with prioritised recommendations for future planning, constructed as follows:

1) The Meeting – with you to explore concerns, issues, history and your current understanding of the working relationship with your client.
2) The Brief – back to you for agreement. This summarises the objectives of the Audit. Once you have let your client know about the Audit, we will liaise with them directly to agree a date for the interview, keeping you informed every step of the way.
3) The Interview – a 45-minute session with your client to explore their views on your business, team and quality of service. This can be bespoke or generic questions devised by us to explore every aspect of the business/client relationship, based on our experience and knowledge.
4) The Report – the personal presentation of a detailed and confidential report on our findings, with clear and prioritised recommendations.
5) Planning – working with you to address client feedback through internal coaching and mentoring.

A long-term business relationship most often stems from the ability of your staff to engage with your clients in a direct and grown-up fashion and internally with their peers to work as a team.

The client audit uncovers the truth about the quality of your client services – from the basics up….I find out what the client relationship is truly like. Then I work on the feedback with you and your account teams, addressing the issues and problems that are getting in the way of the best possible client working relationship. I then mentor specific individuals within your business, if required, to help them understand how to get the most out of the client relationship.